Lisa Hurst Interview
Why Recruitment and what do you like about it?
I have always enjoyed engaging with people and learning as much as I can, and this job allows me to speak to people at all levels, which is great. Every day in recruitment is different, it never gets boring and the days fly by. One of the most enjoyable parts of my role is getting to go out to see businesses and learn more about their processes and what has made them successful, I also love a good site tour. Recruitment allows you to take control of your career, the more you put in the more you will get out of it.
Why Chase & Holland and tell us about your career to date with Chase & Holland?
I was completely new to recruitment when I joined Chase & Holland. I started in an administration role supporting the Associates with their admin tasks. The great thing about Chase & Holland is the opportunities they offer, within four months of starting at Chase & Holland I was promoted into an Associate role covering HR and Professional support. Consideration was taken when deciding what specialism I would work on, and it’s been a great success so far having been promoted to Senior Associate and now Associate Manager. I now have an opportunity to lead a team of Associates allowing me to pass on my knowledge and experience.
What do you think makes you successful?
Determination and hard work. Recruitment is an incredibly rewarding role but can also tough at times, one thing I have learned from my time at Chase & Holland is resilience especially in the early days of recruiting when you get a lot of rejection. Also I think being able to build robust relationships has been the key to my successes and having the support from the amazing team at Chase & Holland.

So what is an average day like for you?
My days can be very busy. Normally my first job will be to have morning catch ups with my candidates before they start work. I would then have a catch up with the HR & Professional Support team, we pride ourselves on our teamwork at Chase & Holland and find regular catch ups are incredibly useful. I will normally do Business Development between 10-12 and resourcing in the afternoon.
If you could have a super power to help you do your job what would it be and why?
I would love to be able to pause time or be able to eat whatever I want and not put weight on.
Do you have time to do anything other than work, if so what?
I love spending time with my family, we love a good game night, our current favorite is Ticket to Ride. I also love getting out into the great outdoors and going for a nice long walk. I am a huge crafter and enjoy making jewelry and occasion cards.