Rosie Burbidge Interview
Why Recruitment and what do you like about it?
A family member suggested getting into Recruitment because I like talking to people! She definitely wasn’t wrong. I love engaging with both candidates and clients to build relationships and find the best possible fit for both, and seeing the happiness that that brings!
Why Chase & Holland and tell us about your career to date with Chase & Holland?
I honestly feel so lucky to have been so welcomed into Chase & Holland, I really couldn’t have wished for a better opportunity. Everyone is incredibly supportive and genuinely want you to do well for yourself, not just the company. You’re made to feel like a valued team player – not just an employee.
What do you think makes you successful?
I believe I’m able to quickly build rapport with both candidates and clients. I genuinely enjoy listening to people, building trust and supporting them in order to achieve what they desire.

So what is an average day like for you?
Days are the same but very different! Things can change so being flexible and able to adapt is essential. An average day would be a mixture of speaking with candidates and clients, discussing any current roles I’m recruiting for and always looking towards the future.
If you could have a super power to help you do your job what would it be and why?
I’d choose to be able to time travel – both forwards and back, and also to speed up and slow down time too! That way if I needed to slightly change something in the past I’d be able to, but more importantly if I’m excited about something that’s happening in the future such as a new job coming in or a dream placement for a candidate, I’d be able to see that sooner.
Do you have time to do anything other than work, if so what?
I’ve always been very active - horses and horse riding have always been a very important part of my life. I also enjoy going to the gym and doing different classes. And of course, socialising with friends simply has to be done!